CUoD Planning Guide
Permanent Capacity for
Model 825, 870, and 890
Dec 25, 2003
1) The latest V5R2 Cumulative PTF package (C3252520) should be loaded
and applied on your Model 825, 870, or 890 before entering an activation code
2) Before entering an activation code to permanently turn on processors, you must
first stop your request for temporary capacity (On/Off CoD)
You knew you might need extra processing power to meet the demands of your e-business and you didn’t want
to impact your current operational commitments to get it ...
IBM offers a fast, non-disruptive method of activating "extra" processor capacity that is built directly into IBM
eServer iSeries.
CUoD or On/Off CoD enable you to activate (no IPL and/or database reconfiguration) one or more central
processors of a Model 825, 870 and 890 up to the maximum number of available standby processors.
CUoD (permanent capacity on demand)
1) Order an activation code to permanently turn on extra capacity
On/Off CoD (temporary capacity on demand)
1) Enable your server for the use of temporary capacity
2) Turn on and off capacity as you need it ... it's immediate!
3) Pay for the requested capacity at the end of each quarter
Purpose of Planning Guide
This guide will explain in detail all the aspects of planning for, purchasing, and managing an IBM eserver iSeries
with Capacity Upgrade on Demand (permanent capacity). CUoD as defined in this document , is for the Model
825, 870 and 890 announced January 20, 2003 and made generally available Feb 28, 2003. The latest set of V5R2
PTFs (CUM C3077520) is required (See Info APAR II13551 for more details).
This guide is not a capacity planning document ... it will however point out key considerations when using capacity
planning tools for a Model 825, 870, and 890.
Where to Get Help
The following information will help you quickly find the assistance you need.
Problem with collecting/transmitting required CUoD Data (VPD)
=> Manual Process: Fax required information to 507-253-4553 (If problems and/or questions,
call the CUoD administrator at 507-253-7019)
=> Electronic Process: Use Electronic Service Agent to automatically send required information (Electronic
Service Agent Users Guide is available at:
Problem with a Capacity Card (part failure)
#1) Call your service provider
#2) IBM service personnel can contact Level II hardware support, in Rochester, to reset the
appropriate capacity after the card has been replaced (refreshed Activation/Enablement Codes )
Problem with function of Capacity Upgrade on Demand
#1) Review appropriate sections in this Planning Guide
#3) Work with Level II and/or Techline support in your geography
Problem with selling/marketing Capacity Upgrade on Demand
=> Review appropriate sections in this Planning Guide and other available materials at the following
=> Work with account teams and/or marketing specialists in your Geography
Planning Guide Feedback
You may directly contact the author of this Planning Guide if you have information that may be of assistance in
updating the guide or making it a more useful Planning Guide.
Randy Grimm
Tieline 8-553-5137 or outside (507) 253-5137
Internet address:
iSeries Capacity Planning
Capacity planning is a 'business as usual' value-add function of IBM’s sales team. Any special considerations
specific to iSeries Capacity Upgrade on Demand will be pointed out in this section. There is a comprehensive set of
tools, resources and offerings available to aid IBMers, customers, and partners with capacity planning assistance.
When doing capacity planning for models with standby processors, one must plan ahead for any potential disruptive
actions that would inhibit the full utilization of activated processor capacity. Some actions you may want to take
prior to ever activating any processors are:
- Perform any I/O conditioning (e.g., new cages, or other I/O infrastructure)
- Perform memory upgrades
- Prepare LPAR partitions
Planning Ahead
By planning ahead, customers can accommodate the growth of existing workloads as well as handle new workloads
without requiring a server outage.
Simply activating standby processors may not provide you with the full potential of capacity improvements you
require. Other components of a server affect performance and overall throughput of workloads. By planning ahead
and taking into account the complete server configuration, a customer can ensure they get the full benefit of
processor activations.
iSeries Benchmark Center
IBM facilitates bench marking of customer and solution provider application environments. For more information,
iSeries Solutions Center -- Capacity Planning Services
Information regarding an IBM consulting service which can assist customers with their capacity planning needs can
Capacity Upgrade on Demand (CUoD)
iSeries CUoD was first introduced for the iSeries in the fall of 2002. At that time, CUoD was synonymous
with permanent processor capacity. CUoD provided iSeries customers who purchased an iSeries model
with standby capacity (un-activated at the time of purchase). This standby capacity, could be permanently
activated for Planned Growth by purchasing a processor activation feature and entering the generated key
at the server whenever the capacity was needed.
What’s new in 2003
CUoD and On/Off CoD are available on iSeries Model 825, 870, 890 (new processor features)
On/Off CoD ... ability to temporarily activate processor capacity
Low cost processor activations for Linux
Simpler fulfillment process for permanent activations (no field VPD required)
With the introduction of the 2003 product line, iSeries once again will be among the leaders in this space
by complementing the existing offering called CUoD with a brand new capability called On/Off CoD.
On/Off CoD, means a customer, can turn processor capacity on/off to satisfy business peaks. You simply
request a number of processors be temporarily made available for a specific number of days ... you will be
billed for whatever you requested at the end of each calendar quarter. Like renting, this flexibility is more
expensive in the long run than buying, the approximate break-even point is 45 Processor Days (if you
request/pay for 45 Processor Days you will have paid approximately the same price you would have paid
for permanently activating a processor).
An added benefit of the new function called On/Off CoD, are Bonus Processor Days. There is nothing
else like it in the market today. With the initial order and fulfillment of a TCOD Enablement Feature (no
charge feature) comes fourteen bonus days of temporary capacity ... you will not be billed for the first 14
days of temporary capacity you request from the server.
IBM eServer iSeries
CUoD and On/Off CoD
Business Peaks
Planned Growth
Capacity Upgrade on Demand (CUoD) activates permanent capacity
Planned Growth -- pay when purchased, no pricing premiums
On/Off Capacity on Demand (CoD) activates temporary capacity
Business Peaks -- pay before use (prepaid days) or pay after use (billable days)
Special Purpose -- prepaid, bonus, and complementary days offset billable days
Disaster Mitigation -- Capacity BackUp provides complementary days during disasters
© 2003 IBM Corporation
The next generation iSeries...simplicity in an on demand world
CUoD (aka. permanent capacity on demand)
IBM eServer iSeries
Ordering permanent capacity
Once you have determined that you want to permanently activate
some or all of your standby processors, you must contact your IBM
Business Partner, IBM Sales rep, or place an order at for the
purchase of a quantity of POD Activation Features (one or more).
Once an order reaches the IBM manufacturing site, a POD Activation
Code unique to the target server is generated, mailed, and posted at
the following web-site for quick access:
Several days should be allowed for order processing and the resulting
POD Activation Code posting to take place. This is an important
consideration when determining if you should also enable your server
for temporary capacity (On/Off CoD). Temporary capacity can be
used to satisfy any peak workload requirements while an order for the
activation of permanent capacity is being fulfilled.
© 2003 IBM Corporation
The next generation iSeries...simplicity in an on demand world
Permanent Capacity Pricing
IBM eServer iSeries
Permanent capacity pricing
It's very simple ... whether you purchase a POD Activation Feature to
permanently activate a processor when the server is initially
purchased or sometime later ... you pay the then current list price for
the POD Activation Feature.
There are no pricing penalties or benefits either way.
Processors Processors
POD Activation
1. When a processor is permanently activated, additional operating system licensing is required if using an OS that is licensed by processor
and/or additional software licensing is required if using SW that is licensed by processor
2. When an iSeries is purchased with an Enterprise Edition, a FC 9603 is included (activates a processor for LinuxJ at no additional charge)
© 2003 IBM Corporation
The next generation iSeries...simplicity in an on demand world
Trial Capacity is not offered on new models
Pre-2003 hardware continues to offer trial capacity, a means of "trying" on demand capacity before permanently
activating it. Trial capacity, allows you to temporarily activate 100% of your standby processors for a period of 14
elapsed days.
In 2003, the new models (i825, i870, and the new processors of the i890), will not have trial capacity. It has been
replaced with Bonus Days (14 Processor Days of credit) that is available when/if a customer enables their machine
for temporary capacity ... On/Off CoD.
Guidelines for Ordering a POD Activation Feature
Permanent Capacity can be activated by ordering POD Activation Features in any of the following order scenarios.
Each scenario described below highlights the fact that it is now possible to order a POD Activation Feature
along with new Box Orders, Upgrades, and Conversions .. this means you are no longer requ ired to send
CUoD Data (VPD) along with a POD Activation Feature order to have it fulfilled.
Guidelines for Ordering Permanent Capacity
New Box Orders
=> The order for the new server can include new POD Activation Features, with the resulting POD Activation Code
applied directly in manufacturing
Model-to-Model Upgrade
( new footprint)
=> 100% activation of all standby processors is required on the old hardware prior to ordering a conversion/upgrade.
=> All records of POD Activation Features ordered prior to the converion/upgrade are removed from the machine
records (upgrade/conversion pricing takes into account the fact that 100% of the standby processors were
previously activated
=> The order for the upgrade can include new POD Activation Features, with the resulting POD Activation Code
applied directly in manufacturing
Processor-to-Processor Conversion or Model-to-Model Upgrade
(no new footprint)
=> 100% activation of all standby processors is required on the old hardware prior to ordering a conversion/upgrade.
=> All records of POD Activation Features ordered prior to the converion/upgrade
are removed from the machine records (upgrade/conversion pricing takes into
account the fact that 100% of the standby processors were previously activated
=> The order for the conversion/upgrade can include new POD Activation Features, with the resulting POD Activation
Code mailed/posted without requiring CUoD Data (VPD) to be collected from the server and sent to IBM
Package-to-Package Conversion
=> All records of POD Activation Features ordered prior to the conversion remain on the machine records
=> The order for the conversion can include new POD Activation Features, with a resulting POD Activation Code that
accounts for both old and new POD Activation Features being mailed/posted without requiring CUoD Data (VPD) to
be collected from the server and sent to IBM
Activation Feature Orders
=> For orders that have POD Activation Features but don't contain a Processor or Package Feature .. if the Machine
Serial# and/or the Capacity Card Serial# have not been altered outside of the IBM manufacturing or field
maintenance process, then a POD Activation Code will be generated and mailed/posted without requiring
CUoD Data (VPD) to be collected from the server and sent to IBM
2002 IBM Corporation
IBM & IBM Business Partner Internal Use Until Announced
Ordering Permanent Capacity
Once you have determined that you want to permanently activate some or all of your standby processors, you
must contact your IBM business partner, IBM Sales rep, or visit (US only) to place an order for
the purchase of a POD Activation Feature (one or more).
Once an order reaches the IBM manufacturing site, a POD Activation Code unique to the target server is
generated, mailed, and posted at the following web-site for quick access:
Several days should be allowed for order processing and the resulting POD Activation Code posting to take
place. This is an important consideration when determining if you should also enable your server for
temporary capacity.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step1: Customer determines the number of stand-by processors they wish to activate
Step2: Customer contacts their Sales Channel (Distributor/Partner or IBM) or goes to (US only)
to place an order for a quantity of POD Activation Features
Step3: Sales Channel places an order in the IBM configurator for a specific quantity
of POD Activation Features.
If the Machine Serial# and/or the Capacity Card Serial# have not been altered outside
of the IBM manufacturing/field maintenance process ... then Skip to Step4
A) Sales Channel/Customer prints VPD from the server, by following these steps:
1) Start System Service Tools (SST) with the STRSST command or start
Dedicated Service Tools (DST) with Function 21 on the control panel
(key in manual position)
2) Sign on using service tools user profile of System capacity - administration
3) Select the option to WORK WITH SYSTEM CAPACITY
5) Record information presented or enter F6 to print the information
B) Sales Channel/Customer faxes VPD collected from the server to the following fax number:
Fax Number: 507-253-4553
FAX To Information
Send To:
Fax Number:
Capacity On Demand Administrator (507-253-7019)
Location: Rochester, Minnesota
FAX From Information
Customer Name:
Customer Contact Name:
Customer Address:
Customer PHONE Number:
Customer FAX Number:
Step4: Customer retrieves the POD Activation Code from the web or waits for the POD Activation Code
to be sent by mail. The POD Activation Code will be posted on the web usually within one business day
of receiving the order on the manufacturing floor. To retrieve the POD Activation Code follow these steps:
2) Enter the Machine Type and Serial number of the target server on the web page
3) Print and/or record the POD Activation Code displayed on the web page
Step5: Customer enters the POD Activation Code at the System Console for the target server:
Note: Prior to entering the new code, stop any currently active requests for temporary capacity (On/Off CoD)
1) Start System Service Tools (SST) with the STRSST command or start
Dedicated Service Tools (DST) with Function 21 on the control panel (key in manual position)
2) Sign on using service tools user profile of System capacity - administration
3) Select the option to WORK WITH SYSTEM CAPACITY
4) Enter POD Activation Code and press Enter
5) Press Enter to confirm change and exit the System Capacity service function
Step6: Customer assigns the Activated Processors to a partition ... you must do these steps even if
your machine is not configured for LPAR!
A) Start the Work with system partitions option in DST or SST
B) Enter Option 3 (Work with partition configuration)
C) Enter Option 2 (Change partition processing resources) next to the PRIMARY
D) Enter a value for "New number of processors" (The value should represent TOTAL
active processors) ... press Enter
Note: If a configuration error is signaled at the bottom of the screen,
refer to LPAR trouble shooting article at
E) Press Enter to confirm the change
F) Exit SST or DST
Important Considerations
If the server is in bypass mode for the System Password, DST option 12 may not be available (no access to the DST
screens associated with the CUoD functionality). If this is the case, you should obtain a valid System Password by
contacting you IBM business partner or IBM Sales rep.
After entering a POD Activation Code, the server must be run for 15 minutes to insure that the POD Activation Code
is persistently stored (remembered) within the server. If you enter a POD Activation Code and shut down the server
before it has run for 15 minutes, on your next IPL, the POD Activation Code may be forgotten and may have to
be re-entered
Displaying Capacity Information
Information about how many standby processors are activated can be reviewed by using the following steps:
1) Start System Service Tools (SST) with the STRSST command or start
Dedicated Service Tools (DST) with F21 on the control panel
2) Sign on using service tools user profile of System capacity - administration or
System capacity - operator
3) Select the option to WORK WITH SYSTEM CAPACITY
Converting Features
Converting Hardware Features
A two step process is used to convert Model 825, 870, and 890 Processor Features
Step1: All standby processors must be activated
the possible paths for feature conversions will not be shown in the configurator until enough
POD Activation Feaures have been ordered to activate 100% of the standby processors
The Processor Feature conversion price in Step2 will take into account the price paid for all standby
processors to be activated in Step1
Step2: Processor Feature to Processor Feature Conversion
What happens to machine records
Old POD Activation Features will not be carried forward
Old TCOD Enablement Features will not be carried forward
Old TCOD Billing Features will be carried forward but no TCOD Data will remain on the server (customer
is requried, per contract, to report any temporary capacity activity prior to the conversion)
A one step process is used to convert Model 825, 870, and 890 Package Features
Step1: Package Feature to Package Feature Conversion
What happens to machine records
Old POD Activation Features will be carried forward and a new Activation Code will be generated
Old TCOD Enablement Features will not be carried forward
Old TCOD Billing Features will be carried forward but no TCOD data will remain on the server (customer
is requried, per contract, to report any temporary capacity activity prior to the conversion)
2002 IBM Corporation
IBM & IBM Business Partner Internal Use Until Announced
Cancellation of Orders
Once an Activation Code is posted/mailed, the order is considered fulfilled and the downstream billing process will
be started. If a customer decides to cancel the order, after a Code is posted/mailed, IBM will dispatch an IBM
service representative to the customer location to "invalidate" the posted/mailed Code by performing a maintenance
action on the Capacity Card.
1) Original Capacity Card is replaced
2) Level II is contacted to generate refreshed Code(s) that will reset the server to the "entitled" levels of capacity
3) Original Capacity Card is returned to IBM and the machine is re-IPLed
Processor Failures
Standby processors CAN be used as REPLACEMENTS for failed processors (Note: If the customer has activated
all the standby processors, then obviously there aren't any to be used as spares). Starting with V5R1, this
capability is offered on iSeries servers with CUoD to help minimize the impact to server performance caused by a
failed processor . By re-IPLing the server after a processor fails, the customer can re-establish required
performance levels without waiting for parts to arrive on-site. If a stand-by processor is not currently activated, it
will automatically be assigned as a REPLACEMENT processor and the customer can continue processing .
Moving Hardware
iSeries server to iSeries server interchange of processor and/or package features is iSeries system password
protected. iSeries server to iSeries server interchange of processor and/or package features outside IBM standard
practices and procedures, may void the server warranty or service contracts.
Any unauthorized (Non IBM conversion/upgrade) movement of processor features (processor parts) and/or package
features (capacity card) will disable any previously activated/enabled standby processor capacity.
Any physical addition/removal of processor features (processor parts) and/or package features (capacity card) that
results in an invalid configuration will make the server itself unusable (server will not IPL without a valid
Parts resulting from the fulfillment of an order for a processor conversion are directly tied to a target server (serial
number), the parts are not transferable to a server with a different serial number. Installing the parts on a server with
a different serial number is not supported by IBM.
Results of Moving iSeries Hardware
Adding/Removing just the Processor Feature (Processor Parts)
A) Non-CUoD Models: Removing hardware from machine "A" and putting them into machine "B":
B) CUoD Models: Removing Hardware from machine "A" and putting them into machine "B":
Adding/Removing just the Package Feature (Capacity Card) ....... or .....
Adding/Removing a Processor Feature (Processor Parts) with associated Package Feature (Capacity Card)
A) Non-CUoD Models: Removing hardware from machine "A" and putting it into machine"B":
1) If machine"B" ends up with a valid configuration and it's original serial number ...
then machine "B" will IPL with 100% of the installed processor capacity as well as 100% of the function associated
with the Package Feature (Capacity Card)
NOTE: the machine will IPL in 70 day bypass mode and a new system password will be required (because the hardware changed)
2) If machine "B" ends up with an invalid configuration (not something that could be ordered in the iSeries configurator) ... then machine "B" will not IPL
B) CUoD Models: Removing hardware from machine "A" and putting it into machine "B":
1) If machine"B" ends up with a valid configuration and it's original serial number ...
then machine "B" will IPL with 100% of the start-up processor capacity, 0% of any previously activated standby processor capacity, and
100% of the function associated with the Package Feature (Capacity Card)
NOTE1: the machine will IPL in 70 day bypass mode and a new system password will be required (because the hardware changed)
NOTE2: To refresh previously purchased activations, a maintenance action would be required to replace the Capacity Card
and recieve a refreshed set of Activation Codes from IBM Level II (Activation Codes will not be provided if the Serial# of the
Capacity Card being returned as part of maintenance action does not match the Capacity Card Serial# stored in the IBM
machine records reviewed by Level II)
NOTE3: To purchase new activation/enablement features, a maintenance action would be required (if not done for NOTE 2) to replace
the Capacity Card and then an order would have to be placed in the iSeries configurator for theproper features
2) If machine "B" ends up with an invalid configuraiton (not something that could be ordered in the iSeries configurator) ... then machine "B" will not IPL
Exchanging an Entire Server
A) Non-CUoD Models: Machine will IPL with 100% of installed processor capacity as well as 100% of the function associated with the
Package Feature (CCapacity Card
B) CUoD Models:
Machine will IPL with 100% of startup processor capacity, 100% of any previously activated standby processor capacity, and
100% of the function associated with the Processor Feature (Capacity Card)
NOTE: To purchase new activation/enablement features, an order would be placed in theiSeries configurator
Logical Partitions
Assign Processors
Starting with V5R1, every server has a primary partition (whether or not a customer is actively using logical
partitions). As a result, it is necessary to assign any activated processors to the primary (or a secondary) partition to
utilize the processors.
STEP1: Standby processors must be activated to become available to the server
STEP2: Activated processors must be assigned to a partition.
If your server is logically partitioned, refer to your logical partition plan and assign the newly activated
processors accordingly.
If your server is not logically partitioned, perform the following steps (Service tools authority is required
with operator authority to system partitions).
A) Start the Work with system partitions option in DST or SST
B) Enter Option 3 (Work with partition configuration)
C) Enter Option 2 (Change partition processing resources) next to PRIMARY
D) Enter a value for "New number of processors" (The value should represent TOTAL
active processors) ... press Enter
Note: If a configuration error is signaled at the bottom of the screen,
refer to LPAR trouble shooting article at
E) Press Enter to confirm the change
5250 OLTP Capacity
5250 OLTP capacity is allocated across partitions by specifying a percentage of the overall available capacity.
The methodology to allocate 5250 OLTP capacity to an LPAR partition works the same on all models, whether or
not the models have standby processors or not.
For servers with Interactive Features, you can allocate a percentage of the Interactive Feature capacity
to be made available for 5250 OLTP processing
For servers with Enterprise Editions, you can allocate a percentage of the active processor capacity
to be made available for 5250 OLTP processing
For servers with Standard Editions, there is zero 5250 OLTP processing capacity to allocate
(Single Job Exception: Up to 100% of the active processor capacity is automatically available to any
partition with a single job doing 5250 OLTP processing)
LPAR does impose a maximum 5250 OLTP percentage allocation to prevent the customer from wasting 5250 OLTP
capacity by restricting you from assigning more 5250 OLTP capacity to a partition than the assigned processor
capacity in the same partition.
Example: For a server with six installed/activated processors, each processor has approximately 16.7% of the total
server capacity (Processor CPW). For a single-processor partition on this server with an Enterprise
Edition, the maximum 5250 OLTP allocation could be 17% of the total 5250 OLTP capacity, which
would allow you to allocate slightly more 5250 capacity than the partition's processor capacity (Note:
LPAR would not allow you to allocate 17% across six, one processor partitions because the total
would exceed 100%
SW Licenses
Activating a processor does not change the software tier for Model 825, 870, or 890.
Many partners use the Processor Feature Code value available on the server to set SW licensing fees for software
developers software. This value continues to be available for all iSeries servers. It is important to understand that
this value does not change, no matter how many standby processors get permanently or temporarily activated. The
Processor Feature Code value (QPRCFEAT) can be displayed using the command WRKSYSVAL or retrieved using
the RTVSYSVAL command.
Software providers that charge SW licensing fees (ie. Operating Systems, middleware, applications, etc.) on a per
processor basis, have historically utilized a "soft" compliance approach. With each permanent or temporary
processor activation, it remains the customer's responsibility to inform and pay the required SW licensing fees
associated with software that will be used on the activated processor(s).
Point1: When a permanent processor activation (POD Activation Feature) is ordered, any required
charges for IBM software (licensed by processor), is automatically initiated via IBM configurator
Point2: When a temporary processor activation is requested on the server, any required
charges for IBM software (licensed by processor), is the sole responsibility of the customer ... with
the exception of OS/400 ... there are no additional OS/400 licensing charges associated
with a temporary processor activation
The MATMATR Option OXO1F4 can be used to determine what capacity is active at any moment in time.
Permanent: Check the field at offset 0x38, to determine how many processors have
been permanently activated (this field represents the quantity of permanently
activated processors at any point in time)
Temporary: Check the field at offset 0x47, to determine how many processors have been temporarily
activated (this field represents the quantity of temporarily activated processors
at any point in time)
Performance Considerations
Relative performance measurements are derived from commercial processing workloads (CPW) running on iSeries
servers. CPW is representative of commercial applications, particularly those that do significant database
processing in conjunction with journaling and committment control. CPW values may not be realized in all
IBM will publish the Processor CPW value for the start-up number of processors as well as a Processor CPW value
that represents the full capacity of the server when all processors are active (Start-up + Stand-by). IBM is not
publishing Processor CPW values associated with each incremental processor activation. If needed, for capacity
planning purposes, one could calculate the approximate CPW associated with each activated processor by
subtracting the Processor CPW published for the start-up number of processors from the maximum Processor CPW
for the server and then dividing by the number of stand-by processors.
CPU Utilization
Standby processors are NOT considered within the various system functions that report CPU utilization percentages
until they are activated and assigned to a partition.
CPU percent is a calculated metric based on the amount of time the processor was active within an elapsed time.
This is normally reported as a percentage where 100% indicates the processor was busy for the entire sample
interval. When multiple processors are present, CPU time must be adjusted to be the average usage of all processors
so that utilization is always reported as the percentage of total available capacity.
5250 OLTP (“interactive”) capability is determined by the edition feature purchased. This capability is not impacted
by the number of standby processors and does not change when standby processors become active. Interactive
utilization reported as a percentage of interactive capability is not affected by the Capacity on Demand technology.
Within Management Central, this metric is called “CPU Utilization (Interactive Feature)”.
Interactive CPU utilization is also reported as a percentage of total system CPU. Within Management Central this
metric is called “CPU Utilization (Interactive Jobs)”.
There are several tools that can be used to help project which model/processor is appropriate for an initial
installation and for projecting when standby processors should be activated. The Workload Estimator is typically
used for sizing an initial installation. PATROL is a capacity planner that can often be used for both initial planning
and upgrade planning. PM/400 is a trending tool that helps predict growth across workloads. Management Central
is a monitoring tool that can be used to identify workload growth. In addition, IBM offers a variety of service
options to assist with capacity planning tasks.
Workload Estimator
The Workload Estimator supports models with CUoD. However, only the performance capacity for startup
processors will be represented. Capacity for standby processors is not represented in the tool. This tool is
designed for initial sizing estimates and is not intended to achieve single-processor granularity with its estimates.
When the Workload Estimator “recommends” a server as having sufficient capacity to contain a set of workloads, it
includes a pull-down list of other supported servers that have at least the same capacity as the recommended server.
The Workload Estimator and associated on-line documentation can be found at:
For more detailed information about PM/400e, visit their website at
Management Central
Use of Management Central to aid in Capacity Planning and point out where an activation of standby processors
should be considered can be illustrated in the following example:
Consider the model 840-2416 with eight startup processors and four standby processors. The maximum CPU
utilization attainable would be 8/12 or approximately 67%. Typical thresholds for system CPU monitoring would be
70% and 90% of total capacity. Sustained usage above 70% is an indicator that additional capacity should be
considered. Usage above 90% indicates the system is reaching its capacity maximum.
Applying the above thresholds to the Model 840 with one of these Processor Features (FC 2416, 2417, or 2419)
would yield thresholds of 47% and 60% respectively. These values can be seen in the following Management
Central Monitor example.
When the initial threshold is reached, assuming the tool has been set up correctly, the line graph goes red indicating
that additional processors may be needed. In addition, a message can be triggered and logged when the thresholds
are reached, so that an accounting can be done over time of how often the thresholds are crossed. If it reaches the
final threshold value often, an upgrade should definitely be considered.
License, Warranty, Maintenance
A machine may include computing resources or capabilities that are to remain inactive, or whose use is
restricted, until the right to access and use the resources or capabilities is purchased (Built-in-Capacity).
Examples of such computing resources and capabilities include but are not limited to processors, memory,
storage, processing capacity identified as interactive processing capacity, and/or workload specific resources or
capabilities (such as limitations on the use for a specific operating system, programming language or
application). You are licensed to use the Program only to the extent of authorizations you have acquired for
access to and use of Built-in-Capacity. You agree that if your use of Built-in-Capacity exceeds the
authorizations you have acquired, you will be liable to IBM for the full price of permanent, unrestricted use of
the Built-in-Capacity at IBM's current list price.
Built-in-Capacity is protected by certain technological measures. As a condition for your license to the
Program under the Agreement, you may not circumvent such technological measures, or use a third party or
third party product to do so, or otherwise access or use unauthorized Built-in-Capacity. In the event IBM
determines that changes are necessary to the technological measures designed to limit access or use of
Built-in-Capacity to that which has been purchased or otherwise authorized, IBM may provide you with
changes to such technological measures. As a condition for your license to the Program hereunder, you agree,
at IBM's option, to apply or allow IBM to apply such changes.
Application of PTFs may disable or render ineffective programs that use system memory addresses not
generated by the IBM translator, including programs that circumvent control technology designed to limit
interactive capacity to purchased levels. By applying PTFs you authorize and agree to the foregoing.
Warranty for all processors (start-up and stand-by) begin when the server is installed. By having the
Warranty/Service start immediately upon installation, the customer is better positioned to receive prompt service for
the repair/replacement of any failing parts, ensuring the full complement of stand-by processors are available for
immediate activation.
Maintenance agreement charges are based on the number of processors actually activated, maintenance prices will be
adjusted for each processor activation, just like any other hardware feature add.
CE: Maintenance Instructions
Model 825, 870, 890 (with V5R2) Maintenance Instructions
1) CE determines if a message (ATTENTION: CUOD CAPACITY CARD
Install the replacement Processor Capacity Card
IPL or Install the System
SRC A6004716
is shown on the panel
screen and
2) Level II checks to see if any activation or enablement features have been
previously purchased for a machine with this serial#
( Level II can make this determination by using the CUoD Application)
Level II checks to determine if the Serial# for the Procesor Capacity Card that
is being returned matches the Serial# of the Processor Capacity Card
recorded in the CuoD application
CE determines if Op Panel or PAL display a
4730 SRC? If this path is performed
within a powered on window of 48 hours .. SRC 4730
will not be shown, and an IPL will not be requried to eliminate the
SRC and re-establish the proper machine status
Contact Level II
Contact Level II
Level II will check Machine Serial# records (using CUoD
Application) for evidence of previously provided Activation
and/orEnablement Codes
Level II will check Machine Serial# records (using CUoD
Application) for evidence of previously provided Activation
and/orEnablement Codes
Return Faulty
Capacity Card
CE provides Level II with the Serial # of the Processor Capacity
Card being returned as part of the Maintenance Action
CE provides Level II with the Serial # of the Processor Capacity
Card being returned as part of the Maintenance Action
CE notifies the customer that the Processor Capacity Card being
CE notifies the customer that the Processor Capacity Card being
returned must be the same part that Activation/Enablement
Codes were orginally created for .... if not, the customer is not
entitled to a refreshed set of codes due to a maintenance action
LeveL II notifies the CUoD Program Manager that this situation
returned must be the same part that Activation/Enablement
Codes were orginally created for .... if not, the customer is not
entitled to a refreshed set of codes due to a maintenance action
LeveL II notifies the CUoD Program Manager that this situation
CE instructs the
customer to use
LPAR and
(LPAR state) the
number of
processors identified
in the attention
CE provides Level II with VPD collected from the server
by using the CUoD Screen(s)
CE provides Level II with VPD collected from the server
by using the CUoD Screens
Level II generates the required code(s) and reports them back
to the CE to be entered on the server by using the proper
CUoD screen(s)
Level II generates the required cpde(s) and reports them back
to the CE to be entered on the server by using the proper
CUoD screen(s)
Wait 5 Minutes for the server to register the new Activation and/or
Enablement Code(s) or the LPAR configuration change
(removes SRC4730)
Return Faulty
Capacity Card
Return Faulty
Capacity Card
Return Faulty
Capacity Card
CE: Conversion Instructions
Model 825, 870, and 890 (with V5R2) Processor or Package Feature Conversion Instructions
A) Print LPAR config
B) Power off any secondary partitions and
set to hold (don't IPL on system IPL)
C) Instruct customer to make "Available"
For assistance with LPAR, see Information Center articles at:
(LPAR state) all standby processors that
have been activated and assigned to partitions
D) Power off the system
Install new Hardware and IPL
Bypass Mode
WARNING: If The New System Password is
not entered, CUoD Screens will
not be accessible!
Enter New System Password
1) CE determines if a message
is displayed on the
IPL or Install the System screen and SRC A6004716 is shown on the panel
2) CE instructs the customer to check to see
if there are new Activation and/or
Enablement Codes to be applied. The
code(s) would be Included in the
shipment (paper) or posted at website:
CE instructs the customer to use LPAR and
make available (LPAR state) the number of
processors identified in the attention message
Enter code(s) on the server by using the
proper CUoD screen(s)
Enter code(s) on the server by using the
proper CUoD screen(s)
3) CE determines if the Op Panel
or PAL displays a 4730 SRC?
If this path is performed
Wait 5 Minutes for the server to register the new Activation and/or
Enablement Code(s) or the LPAR configuration change
within a powered on window
of 48 hours .. SRC 4730
will not be shown, and an IPL
will not be required to
eliminate the SRC and reestablish
the proper machine status
(removes SRC4730)
A) Set Desired Power on status (hold/system)
and then power on any secondary partitions
B) Instruct the customer to use LPAR to assign
processors to target partitions
A) Set Desired Power on status (hold/system)
and then power on any secondary partitions
B) Instruct the customer to use LPAR to assign
processors to target partitions
A) Set Desired Power on status (hold/system)
and then power on any secondary partitions
B) Instruct the customer to use LPAR to assign
processors to target partitions
C) Return required upgrade hardware
C) Return required upgrade hardware
C) Return required upgrade hardware
CE: Upgrade Instructions
Model 825, 870, 8909 (with V5R2)
Model to Model Upgrade Instructions
Wait 5 Minutes
CE instructs the customer to use LPAR and
1) CE determines if the Op Panel or PAL displays a
make available (LPAR state) any previously
activated stand-by processors (can use CUoD
screens to determine the proper quantitiy)
4730 SRC? If this path is performed
within a powered on window of 48 hours .. SRC 4730
will not be shown, and an IPL will not be requried
to eliminate theSRC and re-establish the
proper machine status
Return Requried
(removes SRC4730)
If LPAR requries an IPL then re-IPL the server
Return required upgrade hardware
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